American Ginseng- Increases tolerance to relieve stress of all kind.
B-12- Essential energy.  It is necessary for the proper digestion and absorption of foods, for protien synthesis, and
            for the normal metabolism of carbohydrates and fat.
Bee Pollen- Strengthens the immune system.
Bladdernick- Increases the body's ability to burn fat.
Citrimax- Reduces craving and increases metabolic process.
Chromium Picolinate- Reduces body fat; helps us build lean, strong body muscle; lowers elevated cholesterol;
                                            lowers elevated blood sugar in diabetics.
Cranberry- Helps detoxify the kidneys.
F0-Ti- For liver, kidneys, pancreas, spleen, and blood.
Ginkgo Biloba- Inhibits water retention; enhances cellular energy; strengthens the heart; oxygenates the blood;
                                prevents clotting; improves brain functions and memory retention; fights free radicals; boosts
Ginger- Increases circulation; aids in metabolism of dietary nutrients.
Guarana- South American bean that boosts energy level.
Green Tea- Helps with thermogenesis; aids in metabolism of fat.  Excellent source of a strong bioflavonoid-rich
                         compound 200 times more powerful than Vitamin E as a free radical fighter and reduces LDL-
                         cholesterol in test.
Hawthorn Berries- Called the heart herb because it aids in circulatory disorders by increasing blood flow to the
                                       heart while restoring normal heartbeat.  It is also known to restore low blood pressure to
                                       normal as it strengthens the blood vessels.
Kelp- Stimulates the thyroid gland in order to burn food.
Kola Nut- Improves energy and alertness; strengthens the heart.
Korean Ginseng- Enhances mental and athletic abilities and increases stamina.
L-Carnitine- A fat burner, has a dramatic effect on fat metabolism, and the reduction of blood fats.  Carnitine is
                          also responsible for transferring fatty acids across cell membranes to the mitochondria (the furnace
                          of a cell) where they can be used as ENERGY.
L-Phenylalanine- Helps decrease appetite.
L-Tyrosine- Helps with afternoon slump or loss of energy. A "picker-upper."
Magnesium Carbonate- Has enzymes for energy production and aids in maintaining the body's proper pH.
Ma Huang- Increases alertness and increases basal metabolic rate which burns calories faster and more
                        efficiently so that your body can not store them as fat.  NE2000 has an amount of Ma Huang that is
                        equivalent to 18mg of ephedra.
Royal Jelly- Rich in B vitamins, essential amino acids and minerals.  Tests show it stimulates the adrenal glands
                          to produce increased metabolism and enhance energy.
Saw Palmetto- Improves digestion and increases assimilation.
Siberian Ginseng- Increases energy.
Spirulina- Decreases hunger, while also keeping your blood sugar at the proper level; Helps the incidence of
                     upset stomach.
72-Trace Mineral Complex- Act as buffering agents to make ingredients in NATURAL ENERGY 2000 more
                                                         available to the body.
White Willow Bark- Contains salicin which the body converts to salicylic acid, performing the same role as
                                          aspirin without side effects.
Yerba Matte- Acts on sensory organs to reduce food cravings.
Yohimbe- Shown to actually decrease fat synthesis in the body as well as increase fatty acid mobilization from
                     fat stored in women (Especially in the hips.)

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